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SAGE Open Publishes False Hypotheses Testing Results: An Easy to Publish Outlet

Published on: 21 July, 2024

About Us

"Scholarly Criticism" is launched to serve as a watchdog on Business Research published in so-called Clarivate/Scopus indexed high quality Business Journals. It has been observed that, currently, this domain is empty and no one is serving to keep authors and publishers of journals on the right track who are conducting and publishing erroneous Business Research. To fill this gap, our organization serves as a key stakeholder of Business Research Publishing activities.

For invited lectures, trainings, interviews, and seminars, "Scholarly Criticism" can be contacted at Attention-Required@proton.me

Disclaimer: The content published on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. We are not against authors or journals but we only strive to highlight unethical and unscientific research reporting and publishing practices. We hope our efforts will significantly contribute to improving the quality control applied by Business Journals.